Franklin Elementary School students are:
P. Proud
R. Ready
I. Intelligent
D. Determined
E. Educated
Franklin Elementary School proudly serves a community that is rich in cultural and ethnic diversity. Built in 1931, this colonial style structure is situated on a spacious tree-lined four-acre campus. Franklin School has an enrollment of approximately 500 students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through Fourth. The typical class has approximately twenty pupils. The teachers, administration, and staff work in concert to provide an environment that nurtures learning, academic and personal growth, community spirit, and a positive self-image in our students. Each child is encouraged to achieve to his/her fullest potential.
Franklin School has a strong academic curriculum that encourages skill development in the areas of Language Arts Literacy, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. Special area teachers provide instruction in the areas of Health and Physical Education, Art, Vocal Music, Library Science, Computers and Spanish on a regular basis. Instrumental music lessons, band, and orchestra are available to all third and fourth grade students.
The school’s Title I Targeted Assistance Program and Resource Center provides small group and individualized instruction for selected students to help remediate skill deficiencies and improve self-confidence. The Title I Program features a networked computer lab that enables the students to work at their own pace and level in a variety of skill content areas. A supplementary program for academically gifted and talented students is also available for those students who meet the district’s established eligibility criteria.
Franklin School offers a summer and after school program (grades two through four) for students who are in need of additional instructional time beyond the normal school day.
Franklin School has an active Parent Teacher Association. The PTA works diligently on behalf of the students and school community. Through their various fund raising activities, the PTA provides many special assembly programs and purchases materials and equipment that supplement the students’ instructional program. In addition, the PTA sponsors a host of fun-filled family oriented activities including Franklin Fun Day, the Holiday Music Program and the Spring Arts and Music Festival. Each year, parents provide hundreds of volunteer hours for the betterment of our school. Parental involvement is one of Franklin School’s most treasured resources.
The combination of an outstanding instructional staff, quality programs and services for our students, and an active PTA contribute to making Franklin School a great place to learn and grow.