Summer Jumpstart Program

Franklin Elementary Title I "Jumpstart" Summer School Program

Greetings, Parents/Guardians of Rising 3rd and 4th graders!

The Township of Union Public School is excited to announce the Franklin Title 1 Summer Enrichment Program for students entering grades 3 and 4 in Fall 2023. The Summer Enrichment Program includes opportunities for students to support their social, emotional, and academic development. Students who attend can expect to be engaged in project-based learning activities in ELA (English Language Arts), Mathematics, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Students will work collaboratively using creativity and problem-solving skills to engage with tasks designed to engage students in foundational prerequisite skills needed for success at the next grade level. The goal of the program is to build on what students already know as a way to engage with new learning and to provide instruction in academic prerequisite skills that help students be more successful in their next grade level.

The program will be held Mondays-Thursdays from 8:30 am - 12:30 pm. The program will BEGIN on Monday, July 10th, and end on Thursday, July 27th. (3-Week Program)Transportation will not be provided. Student enrollment in the program will be contingent upon availability.

The deadline to register for the program is Friday, June 16th. Parents will be notified regarding admission and details by email on or before June 25th.

Thank you for your interest in the Summer Enrichment Program. If you have any questions or concerns, please email the Franklin Summer Title I Coordinators, Alison Brehm and Danielle Stabler, at the following


Greetings, Parents/Guardians of Rising Kindergarten students!

The Township of Union Public School is excited to announce the Franklin Kindergarten Jump Start Program. The program is designed to allow incoming kindergarten students to practice literacy, numeracy, and the skills of being a student before their first day of school. The program's goal is to ensure children enter kindergarten prepared to succeed. The program will support the student's social, emotional, and academic development. We aim to engage children in playful learning experiences with an emphasis on valuing their emotions, voices, and perspectives. 

The program will be held Monday, July 31st, Tuesday, August 1st, and Wednesday, August 2nd, from 8:30 am - 12:30 pm. (3-day program)Transportation will not be provided.Student enrollment in the program will be contingent upon availability.

The deadline to register for the program is Friday, June 16th. Parents will be notified regarding admission and details by email on or before June 25th.

Thank you for your interest in the Franklin Kindergarten Jump Start Program.  If you have any questions or concerns, please email the Franklin Title I Coordinators, Alison Brehm, and Danielle Stabler, at the following emails.
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